Monday, November 8, 2010

The Jack Sack™ !4 Season 1: 6PM-7PM Outsourced Retro Review

Helloooooo, I'm Spencer. I reserve for Ecstasy and write crappy reviews so YOU don't get too.jk) So, where are we now? Well, it appears that Dr. Russell Crowe has brought Tear-me Bauer to her house. Gee, it certainly is a secure thing that Dr. Russell Crowe doesn't like molesting people with amnesia. Meanwhile, Zee Big Russian Mon is peeking his mind out from behind a tree, and.I'm sorry, but that's just funny.

I know we're alleged to make it seriously, but it seems so cartoony for a villain character to be hiding behind a corner and peeking his mind out menacingly. All that's missing is him saying, "Ha-ha, they've fallen right into my trap! Soon everything will come into space and I'll be capable to have over the world!" Anyway, the two get in the family using a hidden key, and either R2D2's having some fun in the toilet or the alarm goes off. Tear-me Bauer calls someone asking about how to check it, and the lady asks for the password. Man, I really wish Tear-me Bauer would've said, "Lady, if I knew what the word was, first of all, I would've been capable to spell it off myself, and back of all, if I knew the password, it wouldn't have gone off in the foremost place because this is a show! Use your brains, bitch! While this is all happening, Nina tells Jack that the list of the most inconveniently shot man in history is Allen Morgan. Jack takes interest in this information. He and Nina are doing fairly well, though Bauer's still worried that he shot Nina, not because he likes her, but because since then she's been wearing long pants. Shakespearean tragedy for both Knave and the audience. I do get to say that these two smell like Mulder and Scully when they're investigating. It's quite awesome. Two cops come in to Tear-me Bauer's house and point guns, but she and the doctor put their men up, so the cops are like, "Alright, you're cool.", and put their guns down. Innocent until proved guilty, I guess. Anyway, one of the cops knocks on the bathroom door and yells, "Get a spirit and quit thinking about C3P0!". The beeping stops. He then asks for Tear-me Bauer's ID, but doesn't take it when he's convinced that she lives here by all the photoshoped pictures in the house. Jack spends a few minutes having a conversation with like, half the characters in the show, and when he's about to go off driving to investigate, George Mason reveals that he ever wanted to be a taxicab driver, so Jack gives him some shame and lets him drive. Britney Spears is still stuck at the home with Rick, and Dan's brother is getting pissed off at the want of breakable objects. He does finally discover that Dan's dead, and.brakes a lamp. Rick wants to ring off the deal, and Mr. I Need to Break Things says, "We can't call it off with the drug dealers. We get to stop guns at them and rob them!". The Palmer family gets into one of those arguments that many people would get into if most families still ate dinner together at a table. The girl has a two-second long seizure. Ah, the never-ending Palmer drama. Tear-me Bauer's still trying to get her memory back, so Dr. Russell Crowe turns on a call from Britney Spears' music player. The only remembering that she gets back is existence in bed the dark before with Jack. I bear to say, I know I've been picking on him, but Dr. Russell Crowe seems ok. The writers are stressful to give him look creepy, but he scarcely seems like a guy that's trying to do what he can to serve out this woman that he truly cares for. David's trying to save the house together, but Sheri's like, "Hey, if you ain't gonna be president, I ain't gonna be some nice-ass wife! Fuck that shit!" Dr. Russell Crowe is talk with Tear-me Bauer about hotdogs and air-hockey. Some admirer of Crowe's named Frank arrives to protect her only in case somebody tries to defeat her, but she decides that she doesn't like hospitals OR guns, so he stays outside. (And I know how this minor character's name is Frank. This won't be the final time the show practically makes fun of the name. David Palmer begins a jolly ass-kicking speech which foils Carl and his group's plans. The speech, which includes his concerns with Allstate's stand, will likely fitting with praise from the universal public. During this, Mason and Bauer arrive at their goal and get a door. Yay. Well, the mass goes at the slaughter house, and Dan's brother and his friends manage to rip the drug dealers off.until they see that the drug dealers are cops, and they receive this out by getting arrested BY the cops. Gap-tooth Larry hugs David after the senator finishes his speech, and lastly a small scent of hope enters David as he starts to think that things might go out well. Dr. Russell Crowe shows Tear-me Bauer pictures of his ex-girlfriends, but Zee Big Russian Mon finally gets tired of hiding behind trees and shoots (sniggers) Frank, right when the poor guy needs to use the restroom. Russell Crowe only gets a bullet through the shoulder, presumably so that Zee Big Russian Mon can torture him if he has to so Tear-me Bauer will tell himwhere Kim is.You acknowledge that a character's going to go on 24 if they get shot in the shoulder.)

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